Folks, gotta be upfront with you, even though I made a spiffy new header for the season I don't have anything really spectacular to post this year, so why don't ya'll spend most of the next two months over at And Everything Else Too, I guarantee it'll be spooktacular! I might repost some classics you may have missed and a monster mag or two...
(Image courtesy Karswell, though he doesn't know it yet...)
Well, I know it now! Thanks for the plug, Prof... I'm still at a monumental loss imagining a Halloween without Magic Carpet Burn posts... but resurrecting some of your classic posts from MCB Year One sounds like a splendid idea too, of course! (and the new banner is FAB!)
Had to relay this bit of October Country, just off Route 66:
i've seen this but anyone who hasn't should!
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