Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Batman #161 - The Bat-Mite Hero!


Mykal Banta said...

Prof. This era of Batman is so the real deal. Screw Dark Night. This is the Batman I grew up on. Back when comics were written by adults for kids instead of the other way around. They were so less pompous and windy in those days, so much more full of ideas. Shit! I'm old. -- Mykal

Prof. Grewbeard said...

have to agree with you on all accounts, i'm afraid...

Mr. Karswell said...

So, Bat Mite... he was actually a gremlin right?

Prof. Grewbeard said...

it could have been worse. what if there were a Bizarro-Bat-Mite?...

KW said...

That's so much fun. people say the 60s batman show was disrespectful to the comic, but back then the comic was just like the show. to me this is the real batman.

Prof. Grewbeard said...


Eegah!! and Tabonga! said...

Do you have to dismantle the comics to get such great scans??

Prof. Grewbeard said...

no, but there is a certain amount of wear and tear involved in scanning. it's negligible, though.

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