Friday, June 25, 2010

MAD #47, June '59 - How To Be A MAD Non-Conformist

From a magazine that came out the month I was born,
a terrifying glimpse into a horrifying future...Thanx, 13!

OK, the menu thing's a little silly...


  1. There it all is in black & white, what kind of music to MAD Non-Conformists listen to? "Themes from famous monster movies!!"

  2. They must have reprinted this in one of the many many Mad anthologies, because I definitely remember reading this as a kid. Great find!

  3. Prof.: What brilliance. "Play bird calls." Jesus, I laughed outload. I love Mad's sense of satire from this era. The Mag was just so damned cool. Have you looked at it lately? Not terrible, but not this biting or brilliant. -- Mykal

  4. things haven't changed much in the way of movie preferences for ordinary non-conformists and Mad non-conformists over the years..

  5. Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but it looks like I actually fall more into the "ordinary non-conformists" catagorirs nearly every time--- wah!

  6. LOL @ Eegah!!& Tabonga! discovering the "themes from famous monster movies"line

  7. Mad magazine otima revista de humor, satiras e muitas zuadas, e mais dobradinha 3D, sensacional...

  8. Hey I love your blog!! So creative and artistic!!
