Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dracula #8 - Dracula Finds His Specialty...

I now inflict upon you a chapter from Dracula #8, which in it's entirety is a reprint of Dracula #4. Any resemblance to Bram Stoker's Dracula is wholly pitiable...

I must have my They Live glasses on, because i could swear the bottom half of this page just says "Read Dell Comics" in big bold letters...
It would've been much more appropriate to feature this in that space,
A Collegeville Costumes ad courtesy of Karswell & THOIA!
Next...the Frankenstein story referred to in the above. Beg me not to do it!


  1. Oh, man! I was going to scan in my copy of #4 and post it this month! But you saved me the trouble, really, so I should be grateful. :) With so many linked bloggers it's getting harder and harder to post something nobody else has. And since most of my mag collecting started in the early 70's I don't have much in the way or real rarities.

    These comics are so bad they;re good, so cheesy they're... well, very cheesy. But, this issue is a part of my childhood, and as such, to be treasured. Kind of like Stimpy who saves his Nose Goblins.

    Great blog! We have a lot of the same likes.

  2. And I though Dell's Frankenstein # 2 was the most ridiculous rag I've ever peeped.

  3. oops! sorry about that Fred! but it just shows that great minds think alike!

  4. It's like the real Dracula raped the golden age JSA Wildcat (Tom Grant) and this was their goofball offspring. I have a coverless copy of an issue from this series somewhere, but it wasn't nearly as much stupid ass fun as your story today though.

    Fleeta needs to fire her mask designer.

  5. That villain was a real master of disguise. I never would have guessed he wasn't a real ghost!

  6. ghosts always stand on chairs and demand money, it's the first thing they do to try and terrify you!
