Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Funster Turns Monster - Bob Hope #92

The Devil Made Me post this Bob Hope comic!

The bottom half of this page contained a boring "Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation" so i replaced it with this ad from Bob Hope #98...

Next chapter - things get more Funsterish and Monsterish!


  1. Aww man, I love those boring "Statement of Ownership, Management and Circulation" ads though!

    I also love when Bob Hope met the monsters, (and when Jerry Lewis did too) it's all so very nicely illustrated... one wishes they had done more movies in this vein back in the day.

    "Hate me Hate me!" It's like they're doing my favorite Spelling Mistakes song ever! Check it:


  2. thanx for the support, i was afraid Bob Hope might be too scary for show'n'tell...

    "Hate Me" makes for an excellent soundtrack for the first page! Mr. Hideous and his Evil Weevils will return!
