Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Monster Museum!

My day job at the Monster Museum is keeping me
too busy to do full posts as often as i'd like,
but i should have some time Friday to work on one...


  1. prof.-
    that xmas music at the bottom of yer page is just great. beatnick wish and wreck the halls among others .- what an awesome playlist. great work!

  2. thanx! check out the Santas Working Overtime link on this page to find Xmas music sites. Music You (Possibly)Won't Hear Anywhere Else is where i got most of it. I actually own a copy of NORAD Tracks Santa & the "read-along" record for the Santa Claus Conquers the Martians comic and i'll be posting both soon...

  3. ...both the Santa Martians lp and comic that is!

  4. thanks for the tip. the norad track rules as does santa conquers the martians. the movie is like having a fever dream on acid after one too many eggnogs.

    sort of.

  5. the Monster Museum appears in a comic i have posted on Magic Carpet Burn and in other Gold Key titles no doubt...
