Thursday, January 1, 2009

Tales of the Bizarro World - The Kookie Super Ape!

I can't think of anything clever to say about this post because it feels like someone has shoehorned my brain out the top of my skull through a hole Bizarro made!...

I dunno, I thought the whole Bizarro-Lois Vs. Bizarro-Lana thing was kinda hot...


  1. Dog Fight between Bizarro Lois and Bizarro Lana am not hot. It am cold!

  2. but that's the best way to read them. maybe the only way!

  3. I'm now thinking that instead of "Bizarro Superman" they should have just called the whole realm "Kookie Superman" like the A*P*E*. Actually, bizarro worlds or not, it's all pretty kookie anyway when you really think about it.
