Monday, August 31, 2009

Tales Calculated To Drive You BATS #17 - The Three-Eyed Mad Doctor

Well, I had to post something...

Just hose 'em down, that's what my daddy always usedta say...


  1. Prof. I never new Archie comics did horror. Man, is that cool. I wonder if this is the man himself, Dan De Carlo, doing the artwork. Sure looks like it. Love the top panel of page 6 where all the insects are staring down into the hole, and the main characters are peeping over the lip of the pit. Also love the hero in the green shorts and knee-high green socks. God is this cool! I'll have to look up this title for copies for myself.

    I wonder if they still make the kissing dolls? -- Mykal

  2. that was cool. i'm ashamed to admit i've only just lately discovered horror comics. i never gave them a second's notice before. now i can't hardly get to sleep at night until i've read one.

    that's an unusual way to spell HAY! on the cover.

  3. Mykal - glad you liiiiiiiiike...

    KW - HAY! is for horses...

  4. Bats was one of my favorite comics back in the day. It had been a humor book. I think this was that title's last issue; and they were tried something different.

  5. I'm with Uncle Ernie, this was a great series with some fun stuff. I posted some examples from the first issue on THOIA a few years ago if your readers are interested Prof, here's the link:

    PS Kissing Dolls: Pretty sure I know why the boy has his hand in his pocket...

  6. and what if that's the Popsicle Siblings kissing?!?...

  7. This is why I never go anywhere. It's shit like this that I can't ignore, and I end up not getting any of my own stuff done!! I've never seen this one before! Thanx!!!

  8. Epic win, dude. Never seen before neither nohow - although it's clearly one of the MAD imitators (Cracked, Sick ...) - a rich field for the trashfarmer to plow!
