Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Gotta Get Ready For the Party...

I get to be part of the famously fabulous Countdown To Halloween this year annnnnd will be posting a real post later today(Oct. 1st). What will it be? More Monster Make-Up of course! Once I finally get through with that I will be posting more obscure monster mag stuff and monster records(the image above being from the back of a record that's never appeared online before, I THINK) annnnnnnnnd whatever else i can dig up, so stay tuned...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Random Kaiju #4

(from Ultraman Ace)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Artificial False Eyes Teeth (No End In Sight), Eye-Popping Sounds

Wow, it's taking a while to get through this whole Famous Monsters Do-It-Yourself Monster Make-Up Handbook, isn't it? Be that as it may, if you are in a new wave band named Artificial Eyes here's a ready-made band logo for you(see above)...

Eye'm sure you can guess why Eye chose to post this...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random Kaiju #3

(from Ultraman Ace)
Short post today, I been sick...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Swing With Scooter #24 - "Halloween--It's A Scream!"

Ok, I got bored. I needed a change of pace, too. Some color. Something completely innocuous. Something I previously considered worthy only to rip off to make a cool header...

Hey look, it's a pirate!...

Woo-hoo, Dune Buggy Break!...

Before Twilight, there was this Teenage Vampire guy, Malibu...
You better be scared, you weiner!
Oh yeah, as far as I'm concerned, it's already Halloween...