Friday, September 18, 2009

Skull! Shock! Terror! Fear!

Hey look, there's a skull on the cover!...
I may take the weekend off...


  1. Prof.: One can only shake one's head in awe. The amazing thing about these make-ups is that they are all very doable. Reading the directions, it is obvious you are dealing with genius. How Famous Monsters of Filmland slipped into the glossy, pretyy and pretty vacant Fangoria is a mystery and nothing short criminal. -- Mykal

  2. These are bigtime fun to see. I've always been curious about the contents of this magazine. It's usually way up high on a shelf at the store, and it's really expensive, so I'm intimidated to ask them to bring it down for me to see. Thanks mucho for letting the innards be revealed.

  3. share and share alike, i always(sometimes)say...
