Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Ghost of Vic Mizzy and Mr. Chicken

Everybody else is posting the Addams Family soundtrack to commemorate the passing of composer Vic Mizzy, so here's something a little different...


  1. Excellent. That organ music is seriously spooky. Vic Mizzy and Don Knotts really make that movie.

  2. 'Atta Booooyy, Grewbeard!

  3. the Ghost and Mr Chicken is one of my ALL TIME FAVORITE FLICKS!! And Joan Staley was HOOOOTTT!!!

    RIP Vic.

    Thanks for the great post!

  4. nothin' like that perky chirpy vic mizzy music in those Don Knotts films.. :o)..This cynical world could stand for a little Mizzy!

  5. Dang that's good stuff..... Thanks again Prof!

  6. Love this soundtrack, and of course the movie too is a favorite! I have a couple variations on that movie poster, an original half sheet and a quarter sheet too... they're in terrible condition though but I still got the halfer framed and hanging in my basement!
