Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hair, Beards and Wigs & The Derelict, Baron Blood


  1. I have seen so many derelicts who looked just like that.

    Is this from the Dick Smith book?

    I'm enjoying your countdown thus far, Professor. I'm looking forward to more.

  2. re: Dick Smith- yes, in my insanity i'm posting the whole thing...

    by the way, have you checked out my Scarecrow post?...

  3. Again, thanks a bunch for posting this. I love it. My pal and I are already taking advantage of the info. We needed some decent video-worthy costumes.

    Also I like the new Dr Shriek pic.


  4. glad to hear it's coming in handy, i was hoping someone would put it to evil use...

    aha! yes, Dr. Shriek was the only Topper Motorized Monster-Maker monster i owned back in the day, unfortunately i don't know what happened to it, agony of angonies...

  5. He only became a derelict after he lost his job as children's portrait photographer for Olan Mills. Parents complained he used the old mill backdrop too much.
