Sunday, October 25, 2009

Haunted House Music Co. - Haunted House & Night In A Graveyard (NEW!)

The 80's weren't all bad, as evidenced by these totally radical sound effects records. I like them because they are still using as their sonic foundations old-timey library effects mixed together in a new-ish way- no samplers or digital keyboards in sight yet. Haunted House (NEW!)(1985) is a favorite of mine- it has a drifting musical loop that I originally heard in Teenagers From Outer Space, a film that features a lot of the same cues that most of us horrorphiles are familiar with from the Night Of The Living Dead soundtrack.

Three years later, Haunted House(1988) was re-issued at twice it's original length and half it's original cover. Like most records of this type, one side is one long ambient track and the other features individual effects. For this version, the effects tracks are simply repeated- clean the first time, secondly treated with that crappy harmoniser-thing that totally dominated scary sound effects of 80's horror films and which I hate with a passion. What's different about the ambient track? Why, the addition of a NEW! middle section which, in hip-hop parlance, has been "screwed"- I'll let you hear it for yourself...
Same stuff, different configuration- more wind, less music. Anyway, I do recommend these for scaring your friendly neighborhood trick-or-treaters or for those of you who like to do housework at night...


  1. The 1988 version is the URL to the 1985 version. Is there also a 1988 version of Night In A Graveyard?

    Btw, LOVE your blog. Thank you for all these marvelous posts!!

  2. The link for the 1988 Haunted House album is the same as the 1985 link. Could you kindly post the link for the 1988 album? I'm interested to hear the difference.


  3. gosh darn it! sorry 'bout that, it'll be fixed by late this evening- i'm working overtime at the day job today...

  4. oh, and in response to whether or not there is another version of Night In A Graveyard, i believe there is but i don't have a copy of that one.

  5. I actually own two of these on vinyl, great records. The covers to these are so flimsy and generic, probally made as cheaply as possiable, ha!

  6. Crap another House under foreclosure
    The country is full of that.
    The Crawling Eye~~O`

  7. Haunted House 1988 link fixed, thanx to Countess Zarate...

  8. Thanx prof. grewbeard & Countess Zarate! Nice to have the 1988 version, which I wasn't aware of. Now, if only to track down the 1988 version of Night In A Graveyard!!

    Mr. Nightmare City Halloween!

  9. Thank You! I had the 1988 extended version on cassette and used to listen to it alot every October. The original version is pretty cool, but I'm used to the extended remix. Sadly, your link to the '88 version is broken. Could you possibly re-upload it? I miss it sooo much!

  10. i apologize but due to technical difficulties i will be unable to upload anything in the near future. Happy Hallowe'en! anyway...
