Thursday, October 22, 2009

Los Dandies - Dracula Cha-Cha-Cha

I know nothing about this record which is a good thing at the moment because I'm almost too tired to type, see you tomorrow...


  1. Maybe it's Eartha Kitt doing "Suck your blood CHA CHA HEELS" Thanks for the download. Liking the cover..real Halloweeny.

  2. I have a track on an old Italian soundtrack comp LP called "Dracula Cha Cha" by Martino Brighetti from the movie 1959 Italian "Hard Times For Dracula". I'll have to listen to yours and see if it's the same tune! Could there be 2 of them!!??

  3. that might mean there's at least four, 'cause i saw a single with picture sleeve featuring a 60s era Brazilian garage band on ebay once, featuring the "Dracula Cha-Cha". there's also Bob McFadden's "Dracula Cha-Cha" that he recorded to promote the release of Brides of Dracula in the U.S., sure wish i had that one!...

  4. Hmmmm.... we'll have to sort this whole Dracula Cha-Cha thing out. I mean... how are we supposed to sleep tonight? Now, I do have 2 singles (12" and 7" versions) called "Soul Dracula (aka "Disco Dracula") by "Hot Blood" but I suppose that isn't quite the same thing.

  5. there might be enough "Dracula Cha-Cha"'s to fill a dance floor!

  6. Now this is the way to get my Morning going!! Thanx for that last comment too, probably the best one I ever got!! Cha-Cha-Cha!!

  7. i also recommend a good Carmen Miranda record-

  8. Hi there !

    To add to the confusion:
    "Dracula cha cha" & "Mademoiselle cha cha" came out in Germany on a single, Decca 19236. But no Dandies or Dandys around:
    The band reads "Dracula und seine Vampire".

    Cheers !
