Friday, October 9, 2009

Weird - Terror Town & Monster Mill

One of my favorite issues...


  1. Love the city scapes in terror town - the brain rampaging through them is a bonus!

  2. i was so impressed i used that image for a band flyer!

  3. I used to bring these home occasionally..I can see my mom now having a shit over those covers!..

  4. Weird! Oh, God yes! I thought these Eerie Publications were so cool! Weird and Terror Tales. That’s where my allowance went as a slobbering kid. I never even considered Creepy and Eerie with their arty covers. What did I know? Weird covers were simply the goriest, brightest and coolest. -- Mykal

  5. let's face it, these covers made (blood)suckers of us all...

  6. These covers are no differen't from the pulp magazine covers of the 20s,30s and 40s..They've always sold them right along side with other Comics and magazines for kiddies..Funny how this was always ok for kids..but try and buy a Playboy or a Penthouse and thats met with stern dissaproval and a No go!..Why if they'd let me look at those as a kid..I might not be ripping my girlfriends from bottom to top to make love to them from behind by squishing my way thru the front.. ;o)

  7. >ripping my girlfriends from bottom to top to make love to them from behind by squishing my way thru the front.. ;o)

    Man, that is without a doubt THE Comment of the Year.

  8. Its all their fault i'm a psycho killer and have a warpped view of sex and women..If they'd only allowed me the delicate and refined pleasures of Playboy..things might have turned out better..
