Thursday, December 3, 2009

Christmas Parade #1 - Brer Rabbit in Hoodwinked Helper

As I mentioned in my last post I don't have much of my own Xmas music to share this year(with two remarkable exceptions to come)but I still have a bunch of my own beat-up comics. Here we have a tale of another resourceful rabbit saving everybody's Christmas for them from another evil villian(ess) and the first in a series of appearences of rocket-type ships. Early atomic-age Christmas comics are full of sci-fi elements, I suppose that sort of thing is still happening, but I don't pay much attention to modern children's entertainment...

More from this issue later, probably...


  1. Prof': What a great story! Yahoo! I loved the part where the wicked Witch calls to her brooms: " Up and away, Broomer and Whiskum . . ." Brilliant.

    The art, particurily that splash panel, was beautiful and looked famliar, so I looked it up at the Grand Comic Book Database. I really should have been able to call it! It's the great Jack Bradbury doing both pencils and inks!

    Thanks a lot for this post! That's what I call getting into the spirit! -- Mykal

  2. thanx for the info, Mykal. it's Christmas all month here! just follow the bat...

  3. echioing Mykal's sentiments way to show some spirit and dish out some cheer Prof! looking forward to some more.

    i love the haggard look that of that "naughty old gal" the Wicked Witch. Disney creepy is always do cool.

  4. Well Stop My hop!
    ..North Pole DEN indeed!...hmmm..that witch looked mighty familiar ;o)
