Sunday, February 7, 2010

Aurora Double Date

I called "dibs" on the one in the bandages 'til I got a good look at her boyfriend...


  1. Prof.: Boy, that witch drawing is great. I love the frogs, bats, and rats hanging from hooks like slaughtered pigs. Also cool is the rat swimming around in the boiling pot. -- Mykal

  2. I always wanted an Aurora Monster Model when I was a kid, but money was tight and I had to pick my battles. One of my Elementary School buddies let me assemble Frankenstein one Saturday. If I remember, even for a lysdexic like me, it only took 5 minutes tops !

  3. I always had a thing for this image of the bride too.

  4. I collected most of the Models from 1964 to 67...the Witch and the Bride cost more than the usual $1.00 for the others.Godzilla too..I had The Witch..but not the Bride of Frank...take a look at all the details it had..its quite special!..

  5. The Witch was the first model I ever built. I believe it was around 1970 or '71 (I was about 6) but I seem to recall it came in a square box and was called "The Old Witch" but I could be wrong about that. I still have the model itself altough it's a bit in pieces.

  6. if it was the 70s and it came in a square box i assume it was a reissue, was it glow in the dark?

    glad everybody digs the monster chicks, i remember wanting a Vampirella model and my mom forbidding it, too provacative i guess...

  7. Yes, I think some of the pieces came in doubles that gave you an option of a "glow in the dark" one or regular non-glowing piece.

  8. everyone should have the option of a "glow in the dark" piece!...
