Sunday, February 21, 2010

*Star**Spangled* War Stories #108 - "Dinosaurs' D-Day!"

I never kept up with war comics, probably because of my deep, unabiding abhorrence of real-life warlike activity, but there were a couple of titles I liked, including The Unknown Soldier's appearances in *Star**Spangled* War Stories, one reason being that Joe Kubert was such an awesome artist. Imagine my surprise in encountering "The War That Time Forgot", the continuing feature that preceded that series in *S**S*WS. I'm ashamed to admit I knew nothing of its existence until I wandered into Houston's newest-ish comic store the other day to take advantage of their "50% Off Of Everything" sale(I was all alone in the Silver Age section, believe me...). I could go on and on about how ridiculously absurd *S**S*WS #108 is, but I've already gone on and on too much as it is, so here's Part One of "Dinosaurs' D-Day", it's all there for you see for yourselves. Be prepared to pick your jaw up off the floor,
several times...

Part (World War)Two Tomorrow!...


  1. Oh, you dog! I love this comic. Look at that splash panel!! I picked my jaw off the floor three times while reading, which is pretty damn good. Fools often deride these dino-war comics. Philistines. More please! -- Mykal

  2. I know I'd read several of these back in the 60s but I don't ever remember buying or owning one. Where the heck did I obtain the stories?
    Thanks for the Blast from the Past!

  3. Having just watched Valley of the Gwangi the other day with Zander, this will be equally as awesome to dig into.

  4. now the question is, should i fly back to the comic store and buy up all those other issues of The War That(Ed Wood wrote while drunk that one)Time(and then)Forgot(he wrote them)?...

  5. charlmang says... thanks for dino d-day. i haven't seen that in 45 years. now to find the one with the big german robot!

  6. charlmang says... thanks for dino d-day. i haven't seen that in 45 years. now to find the one with the big german robot!
