Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Teen Titans #3 - Revolt At Harrison High (Pt. One), Mr. Gasser & The Weirdos - Rods 'n Ratfinks

So, right in the middle of DC's desperate attempt to appear "hip" & "with it" to the Swingin' Sixties set, they pick an odious, criminal-type Ed "Big Daddy" Roth rip-off for their team of Young Super-Republicans to pick on, Ed Roth being the hero of many a model-buildin', comic book-readin' pre-pubescent & many a
genuine hot-rod and kustom-kar enthusiast.
Smart move? Probably not. Funny? Pretty much...

"Not too cherry but it could be worse, my Surfin' Hearse..."

Here's the first of the three Mr. Gasser & The Weirdos lps that the real Ed "Big Daddy" Roth had something to do with...


  1. This was one of my first DC comics--my very first exposure to all of theTT's except Robin and my very first exposure to the great art of NICK CARDY (as well as the bizarre "non-hip" hipness of Bob Haney's writing).

  2. He may have been inspired by Big Daddy Roth, but for some reason I imagine him with Dom Deluise's voice.
