Monday, April 19, 2010

Say It With Stark Terror #5 - The Weird Wager

This post is dedicated to my lovely wife, the Baroness Erica Zarate - Love Conquers All!...

The color photo of the lady with fangs at the bottom of my main page? That's her!...


  1. Prof.: What a delima! Eternal life without love, alone, or a brief, painful life with the one you love! Our couple chose well. So did you. -- Mykal

  2. This looks like a silver-age reprint of pre-code horror. When and by whom?

  3. i'm sorry, i was so in love that i forgot to mention that this is a Stanley publication from 1971. info on Stanley seems scarce. they had several horror titles but that's all i know...

  4. This originally appeared in the July 1953 issue of Out of the Night #9 and is illustrated by Edvard Moritz. I've never heard of ACG precode reprints so this is a cool find and news to me!

  5. thank you sir, Kars comes thru and everybody wins!(for a change)...
