Monday, May 17, 2010


Ten years ago I closed the door on ROCK, but now that it's time to ROCK again, I wanted to give you all a glimpse of a time when the Baroness and I had just come together, the last in a long line of bands of mine were sending our last, lost echoes into space and a dog named Clyde was my bestest buddy. The guitars and the girl are still here, Clyde is gone and ROCK has blown the door off the hinges and re-entered my life now that I'm 25 lbs lighter, ten years older and ready to start learning again. Why do I tremble so?...

Where's Clyde?...


  1. What a great bunch of shots. You still got that same guitar, right? I love that shot of the effects pedals and stuff. Damn. I sold my guitar a couple years back. I am glad to see you didn't! At the risk of sounding stupid - rock on, dude!

  2. yes, i still have all these guitars and a few more, i need to sell a few though. and an amp or two...

  3. The Beard Remains The Same

  4. Olá professor! Teu espaço continua muito bonito e muito bem ilustrado. Adoro música.



  5. Glad to see you getting back on that musical horse! I myself was losing hope as well, musically, after my last band stopped playing, but I wait for no one and decided to start writing and recording music on my own. Yes, I am much older, much heavier and life is much more complicated ever since baby Zachary arrived, but if the music is in you, you can't hold it back! Rock out Professor!!

  6. well, it's more of a musical sawhorse, but it's rockin'! thanx for all the encouragement, guys! i'll post something soon that isn't so intimate, i promise!...

  7. i guess ill find out if i have the balls or not, itll be my first show!

  8. Good on you, Prof! I found that I did my most satisfying work during my second act as a musician, after a looong hiatus, and I'm sure you will too.

  9. Thanks for sharing the photos! I like that guitar that looks like a distorted Gibson SG.

    Are there videos in existence of you guys playing?

  10. When do we get to hear some actual home spun Prof Rock? And what happened to my other comment?

  11. Kars- my last band The Lost Episodes did put out a cd(in '98!)but it was a mess, maybe i'll post a track or two. guess the other comment didn't make it, i never saw it!

    KW- the distorted SG is a Gretsch Astrojet and yes, there is video, such as it is, nothing pro-shot. someday i need to make a video compilation, it's just tough dredging up the past, sometimes. snapshots are such an innocent thing, music & video reveal so many flaws! maybe some things are best left to the imagination...

  12. ..they said Rock would never die..they said

  13. tell me more about the AstroJet! I was looking at Gretsch's site for something SG-shaped, but no dice. Then you show off this vintage beauty!

  14. here's a link to a blog you will return to again & again, with another link to an informative article about the Astro-Jet. i got mine at a convention in Dallas ten years ago for $800 bucks, good luck finding one at that price now! the glitter pick-ups are unique- i've run into several big-name Gretsch collectors and they'd never seen ones like that! Gretsch should re-issue it. i gotta tell you though, they weigh a ton! and Burns tremelo units are not as reliable as Bigsbys. i needed a stage back-up for my Gretsch Monkees model(also a killer!). my first Gretsch was a Duo-Jet and i just got hooked on Gretschs!...

  15. whoops! oh yeah, that link...

  16. thanks for the link! i bet your videos are fun.

  17. This post. How many ways can I say "Super!"? Thanks, Prof. G.
