Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gold Key's The Little Monsters #4 - A New Man & The Weird World Of Dr. Strange(?)

An intriguing cover but alas, the cover story doesn't live up to it.
Let's see what else we can find in this issue to interest us...

(sigh) if only...


  1. Th best comics, in the spirit of Archie's Mad House. Love them!

  2. Prof.: If Only! Indeed!!!

    Beeeauutifulll, amigo! You know I'm digging the Little Monsters! In my view, under-rated simply because they bore the Gold key stamp! Oh, the unfairness.

    Great, great stuff, Prof.!

  3. Haha, loved the Weird World of Dr. Strange... especially when he calls the butler "the sissy sort." Were there more of these Dr. Strange stories in other issues of Little Monsters?

  4. Shocking True Fact: that cover was Johnny Ryan's inspiration for the design of Blecky Yuckerella!

  5. the only other appearance i've encountered was a reprint of the very same story in another Gold Key comic, i can't even remember if it was an issue of The Little Monsters or not...

  6. Thanks for posting Little Monsters. I especially love that stand-alone werewolf story. It's just there for the sake of fun.

  7. just like this fun-filled blog-o-rama!...

  8. i love this blog a very entertaining comic post...

  9. Far out! I have one of their comic books. They go out West to a ghost town, pop goes to the park with a rubber mask, and lots of stuff. I never thought I'd ever see another one.
