Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kevin McCarthy R.I.P.

At some point, you just have to give in.


  1. Didn't he always seem like about the nicest guy in the world? RIP indeed.

  2. Darn. I saw him at a horror convention and never talked to him. He was sitting quietly and nobody was visiting his booth. I wanted to but got distracted. Now I could kick myself.

  3. The still you chose just reeks of Jack Kirby...check that pose by Mr. McCarthy.

    We'll miss ya Kevin...Damn pod people.

  4. One of my favorite people from one of my favorite movies of all time. Sad indeed...

  5. J.O.- yeah, you're right about the Kirby pose, i never would have been able to put my finger on it!

    K.W.- i feel for ya, i'd have probably been too shy to talk to him, i'm always missing opportunities like that...

  6. I didn't talk to him either but I had a drink beside him at a Chiller con Halloween party.

    R.I.P...and Chabrol too.


  7. Claude Chabrol? i hadn't heard! the Nouvelle Vague was a revelation for me when i first encountered those films in the late 70s...
