Saturday, October 22, 2011

Do The Lurch!

                        Check out Ted's moves! Smoooooth...


Mykal Banta said...

You gotta love Lurch. As a kid, I thought of him as a kind of superhero.

Prof. Grewbeard said...

Super Lurch! Ted would've made an excellent Bizarro!

KL from NYC said...

This came out when I was in grade school, and I used to think that novelty promotions like these were normal -- now I cringe.
I wonder if they would have done these things if they knew that they would get put up on YouTube decades later.

BTW, the single is on Ace UK's Land of 1,000 Dances Vol 2 CD, so there's no need to pay the $65+ on for a good copy.

Prof. Grewbeard said...

but Ted LIKES to dance!

fangbang said...

Thanks for the video. I find Lurch kinda scary. I don't know how those kids couldn't keep from screaming!

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