Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Put Me Back In My Tomb

I have retired MCB but just wanted to let ya'll know I've fired up a Musick Blog and will be spending time over there from now on. Please check it out, it's a fine time but not always safe for work (NASFW?) so put the kiddies to bed, smoke some Essence of Man or Wo-Man and um, party. The night is young...


  1. Will it stay up a bit? I'm not caught up!

  2. thanx for asking. it's not going anywhere, i'm just hanging out at my other blog now...

  3. I have a feeling we won't be seeing the last of you around here though, right?

    Good luck with the new blog, so far it rocks!

  4. Prof.: Whoa. Wait a minute. Retire MCB? The towns' people will revolt, attack the castle with torches and pitchforks! Say it ain't so!

  5. i'm almost out of stuff, unless i want to start a Silver Age Superhero blog...

  6. So sorry to hear about this. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed your blog. I will definitely check out your music blog. I can't wait,but not tonight...too tired so it's back to my coffin with the bats. Your friend Fang Bang

  7. Hello Prof Grewbeard,
    I'm hoping you can/are willing to help me. I was researching the Santo comic and came upon your posting of scanned pages of it, including a page that showed readers sketches of el Santo. My boyfriend had his drawing published many years ago, and I'd like to find that comic with his drawing in it. Where do I begin? Where can I go to start looking for the issue it was published in? All I know is he was 10 or 12 when he had it published, and he was 10 in 1975. If you could help point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it immensely. I'm going to try and find an offical website for that comic, but if I don't, I don't know what else to do to track it down. Thanks in advance, friend! Jessie

  8. i'd be online looking for that too, sorry. you'd probably have to find the publishers in Mexico (or an avid collector) to really get anywhere...

  9. cool blog man--will check back more often

  10. Awww! I am sad. I loved your blog and I felt like I could always count on reading it for a good laugh. I suppose now I can check out your music blog. Will the archives stay up for a while? I don't want to live in a world without Magic Carpet Burn!
