Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Collegeville Monster-Glo, Wig 'N' Mask & Coming-and-Going Costumes

this is a pret-ty cool page.
so's this one, but that troll...

Next...another two pager and a centerfold, oooh!


  1. I wonder if Maila or Charles Addams got any kind of kick back off that Vampire (Vampira) costume?

    Some of these are gloriously demented though, facial expression on "The Body Snatcher" is quite disturbing, as is the "Ghoul" chest illustration with it's hands and face possibly burning off in (what's that) a vat of acid?

    The "coming and going" costumes are lo-fi genius...

    "Hey, whatta we do with all these crummy clown and bum costumes left over from last year?"

    "I don't know dude... sew 'em together or something."

    I also like how you can basically take the cuddily Casper mask and distort it to an evil ghost. He's still kinda cuddily looking though with his ice cream swirly head.

    Soooo... Cap'n Red Beard any relation to you?

  2. oh, i think we're just fellow beardheads...arrrr!

    i had both the Monster-Glo Skeleton and Monster-Glo "Monster" costumes as a kid- i wore those things year-round. it was definitely me vs. the rest of my neighborhood most of the time! but if i'd had a cutlass...arrrr!

  3. I have to say the body snatcher is my favorite out of them all. Which says a lot cause I abosolutly love every one of them

  4. Great great great!!!
    You can buy these at
