Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Foto Misterio #'s 129 & 166 - Fotonovelas

Apparently a real rarity, these are the only two issues of Foto Misterio i've ever seen. I bought #129 new in '74, finally found another issue online last year that was purchased new in Mexico City, and that's it...

An ad for a Cabaret act in a Monster Magazine? Why not?

Let's go out with a BANG, shall we?...


  1. Ahhh, maybe THIS is Picto-Fiction now! Groovy Babes.

  2. Wow, what a crack up. A very rare find indeed.

  3. Who's the blurry babe over there on the right under your "Subscribe to" ?

  4. she's not blurry, she's Grew-vee!
    Countess Erica's castle is home to Grewbeard Laboratories. there are rumors that the Countess and the Professor are intimately involved and even talk that they have been secretly married...needless to say that the peasants are worried about this dangerous alliance...

  5. Bro,
    Tabonga scored a copy of "Invisible Vs. The Fly" and "Fear Of The Mummy" a few months back at

    Lots more stuff there too!!!

    Have fun!!!

  6. thanx for the tip! i'm sure i'm not the only one who can benefit from this info...

  7. Interesting! In 1976, I helped my grandparents move to South Texas. We went into Matamoras one day and I went into a bookstore and saw various issues of "Misterio" on the shelf. I thought "Cool! Mexican 'Famous Monsters'!" I dug in not knowing what was in store. The fotonovels were probably coffin joe flicks, or something similar. Interspersed between the fotonovels were true life death scenes, car accidents, jet crashes, real closeup carnage pics. I'd never seen anything like it and I left the store feeling light headed and staggering. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was in shock and had almost fainted! LOL
