Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Batman # 132 - The Martian from Gotham City & The Three Faces of Batman

I know I said I was going to post the other two stories from Batman #134 but then I got to looking through #132 and decided these two were more amazing, you won't regret it...


  1. It's interesting to see what Spock was doing before he got that job on Star Trek.

  2. he looks cute in red contacts and a purple punk cut.

  3. Prof: Everytime I see any of the comics from this period I can't help but wonder what happened. Man, I miss these stories that didn't struggle in desperation to be meaningful and dark (always dark); and oh how I miss that elegant four-color method. Just look how cool this stuff is! -- Mykal

  4. i think both of these entries have a great atmosphere to them- the "lighting" in the "scared Batman" sequence is wonderful, and the "wonder where he is now?" panel with Karik looking down on the city is totally contemporary...
