Monday, August 17, 2009

Good Grief...

Two or three weeks ago the awesome When Is Evil Cool? site passed this honor along to me and I got distracted and forgot but-

It's an award. Now it's my turn to pass it along to these six must-read sites...

The Horrors Of It All - the site that made me decide to get off my butt and start blogging. Pre-Code Horror Bliss Heaven. Hi, Kars!

Secret Fun Blog - my First Favorite Blog Love. He doesn't post as often as he used to but you simply must check out his archives.

13 aka Monster Movie Music - I've sung their praises just recently but I can't say it often enough- Eegah!! & Tabonga! Monster Rock in the truest sense of the word.

Die, Die, Danger, Kill, Kill - there are a lot of movie review sites I frequent but Todd consistently comes up with films that i've never seen or heard of and that I desperately want to see.

RedTelephone 66 is an excellent music site for people like me who are stuck in the sixties but who aren't hippies or Deadheads...

Alphaville - my new favorite site 'cause i'm extremely upset at the Religious Right right now, I mean, more than usual...

Of course there are more sites that I cherish but the deal was to pass it along to six more sites and if you want to know who else I think is read-worthy just check out my blog list, it's right over there ya lazy bum...

Time for to go to bed...


  1. Prof: Been there. Good Luck. A little is on the way. -- Mykal

  2. thanks Mykal, i'm still reeling over your Citizen Kane/Monster In Green Hell coupling...

  3. sorry to hear about the financial troubs. same here. while i too get the overtime (from time to time and it helps) all other priorities fall by the wayside. eating and sleeping and such. hope things get brighter soon.

    the award though is well deserved. way to play along.

  4. thanx. funny thing, i borrowed a car from an in-law today to get to work and IT broke down too! was it something evil i did that wasn't cool?...

  5. Bad things come in threes: 1: wife lost job. 2. car broke down. 3. inlaws car broke down. Cool, your done with bad luck now! -- Mykal

  6. DOH!!!! I actually read this post the other day and somehow totally skipped over my name listed!! Thanks again, I think our blogs are a perfect compliment to each other, keep it up Proff! MCB rules!
