Friday, July 16, 2010

Peter Fernandez & Ultraman

Of course everyone knows that Peter Fernandez voiced Speed Racer in it's American release, but he and his cohorts (Corinne Orr, Jack Grimes and Earl Hammond) also did an awesome job dubbing Ultraman, a show I could not have survived the early 70s without, and still watch on a regular basis. Thanx, Peter, Jack & Earl, who have all passed away...

(All screen shots taken from episode #35,
"The Graveyard of Monsters", directed by Akio Jissoji)


  1. I've been working my way through the Ultraman complete series over the past few weeks... what a fun show... and theme song!

  2. Olá amigo! Passando para te desejar uma ótima semana e dizer que o teu espaço continua muito bonito e aconchegante.



  3. It's been a truly crummy year as far as legends passing... I met Peter (w/ Corinne Orr) at a G-Con in Los Angeles years ago on a Speed Racer discusion panel and it was loads of fun. Peter did many of the great, more memorable Speed lines from from the show for everyone attending, we were cracking up because in all those years his voice hadn't changed a bit. RIP

  4. one of my favorites is- "you're the most dangerous man i've ever met and you're wacky!"...

    it's great you got to meet him and Corinne- i'd have loved to see her say "Cannnnn-deeee!"...

  5. That's one of my fave lines from the entire Speed series too... we used to quote it all the time at my old job about our nightmare boss!

  6. Another great one was Corrine talking about her favorite line as the voice of a little girl on Ultraman: "I love spaghetti and sandwiches, they're all delicious, don't you agree?"

    (My own kid quotes that one constantly, even though he refuses to eat spaghetti.)

  7. and the response- "no i'm not wacky, i'm a genius!"

    Corrine talking about spaghetti and sandwiches = sexy...

  8. I'm still waiting for Ultra7 to find it's way to DVD.
