Wednesday, September 22, 2010

For Monsters Only #3 - Boris Karloff, John Severin, Bill (McCartney) Ward

I always liked FMO's contents page...

Nice overview of Karloff's career if you're not already screamingly familiar with it...

Check out that awesome font! Wish I had the whole alphabet!



  1. What a great issue, fantastic cover, killer Karloff photos in the article, and each panel in the funny stories is a mini masterpiece of inking!

  2. DOUBLE WANT!!! holy cow this is super kickass!

  3. Severin, as always (signature looks like he spelled it backwards), does fantastic classic monsters. Who is McCartney? I don't know his work, but it is great here!

  4. "McCartney" is Bill Ward. Bill Ward had a very distinctive way of drawing the female form, as i'm sure you'll discover...

  5. I read the occasional Cracked (more of a Mad-man until I graduated to National Lampoon) but I'd never seen these For Monsters Only before!

  6. my first issue was...#7 i believe? by that time they had gone to a more serious tone with their cover art and i thought it was just another monster magazine, although it was one of my first. i remember the fascination i had with it as i did with all those first issues of FM- "I SHOULDN'T HAVE THIS! IT'S SCARY!!!" my parents barely tolerated them and that added some extra tension...
