Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dell Mad Monster Party Movie Classic

Since he did the character design for the movie, wouldn't it have been awesome if Jack Davis had drawn this book? Yes, it would've. No, I am not in a good mood...

To Be Concluded...


  1. Haha, I felt the same way about this issue after opening it for the first time and seeing the art inside. It's still a cool adaptation, but after years trying to land a copy on ebay, and then finally getting one, well... I know how ya feel.

  2. this makes me wanna see the movie again, right now.

  3. Jack is sorrrrrrrrrrrrely missed here!

  4. does anyone know who recorded the Mummy song in this movie? I would love to track it down.

  5. This is the kind of comic book art that I love (without sarcasm) for reasons I can't even explain to myself. I can just feel a comic book artist doing his best and getting paid for it. God bless you, Mr. unkown and forgotten comic book artist that isn't Jack Davis! God bless you and keep you! Thanks for posting!

  6. St. Mykal, Patron Saint Of Uncredited Comic Book Artists!
