Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Famous Monsters Of Filmland #7 - Zach Is Back!

There are scans for FM #7 already floating around out there but they seem a bit uh, hazy-looking to me so here are some from my own copy. It's not the whole ish but about 3/4 of it.

Man, all these movies were new!...

I didn't know Pat Fielder was a woman!

Can anybody tell me what the deal was with this very attractive couple(of creeps)?

And now for what you've all been waiting for...

You'll scream too when you see what it would have cost you to get the first six issues of FM back in 1960!

So, I grabbed this and i'm glad I did, it's pretty kool. The intervews with the old-timers who brought us these iconic bits of Monster Kid merchandise are priceless and Zach's in it too, so what are you waiting for? Daniel Roebuck's part is funny and Cortlandt Hull actually drew a cool caricature of the Monster on the envelope the dvd came in! Maybe you'll get lucky too! It's available from The Witch's Dungeon.


  1. lottsa goodies! these are getting so hard to find, i have a couple but no this one!

  2. Beautiful, people don't know how lucky they are to see this! No Shit, a lot of my back issues have got the exact same bright idea reinforce the spine tape marks!!

  3. Dude! One of your best posts ever! So much fantastic stuff here. As you say, what a thrilling time. The Man With the Atom Brain, Quartermass, Monster On the Campus, etc. Truly the best of times!!

    So nice to see you posting regularly. Yours is the house of cool stuff!!

  4. A totally great issue, and one I don't have either so it's much appreciated to see it posted here!

    Thanks for the Aurora DVD reminder too!

  5. (cue bubbles)thenk you, thenk you boyzzz...

  6. ha ha..I still love to read the letters to the editor in FM..gosh golly gee wiz!

  7. i had a letter printed in FM(can't remember which issue)that i wrote in the style of a typical FM letter. when it was printed i was embarrassed because it was so unoriginal. lesson learned!

  8. I'd noticed that slight fog on the scans floating around out there too. (It's a pity, because someone has taken the time to scan much of the run, but because of their equipment, these are just filler scans until someone does it right.Cheap scanner optics strikes again!) Thanks a million for taking the time and trouble to do this issue right, and share.
