Friday, June 3, 2011

Shrimpenstein Monster Fan Club Shrimphenalia

"It happened near Marrrtha Raaaaye!..."

Do like I did! Download this scan of my Shrimpenstein Monster Fan Club card and slap your name on it!

I'm sorry, but I'm not gonna incur the wrath of the Fred Rice(Cattle)Prods, Inc.! Try to get over that...


  1. love Shrimpenstein... I guess you can watch 'em on youtube now, but for a long time I had a handful of episodes on vhs and we watched them over and over. Funny stuff, really well written and awesomely cornball. I wish they had made toys!

  2. do you have more than two? i thought that was all that had survived. there was a Mini-Shrimpenstein(!)toy puppet produced while the show was airing. i've seen one on ebay, pricey...

  3. Love Shrimpy! I remember him talking about going up to the Sunset Strip to check out the chicks.

  4. Prof.: I missed out on Shrimpy! I was a Soupy Sales man, all the way. I'm not sure Shrimpenstein was broadcast in the Detroit area.

    My curiosity peaked by your post, I watched some Shrimpenstein on YouTube. MAN, did I miss out. It sort of reminds me of Sales show - adults having a ball. Just really cool stuff.

    I have downloaded my membership card and signed up. Better late than never.

  5. Soupy was awesome and obviously had an huge influence on Shrimpenstein. in my wildest dreams Soupy, Dr. Von Schtick(& Shrimpy)and Kitirik team up to create the greatest kids show ever!

  6. Ghastly ::choke:: greeting, blood-lovin' blogger! I just wanted to drop you a line as I recently joined blogspot and, now that I have an account, I wanted to leave you a comment saying how much I've enjoyed your blog. The monster mag scans have been especially awesome, good sir. The Yogi Bear/3 Stooges RS from a bit back stands out particularly in my mind, as I'm a big fan of the ol' H&B.
    PS> Sexcellent beard, my fellow fur-faced ruffian!
