I wish my scanner was big enough to scan this whole image at one time, but I wish a lot of things. One of the other things I wish is that you have a Happy Halloween...
Yes, you saw that coming, but then you see Halloween coming every year and you don't scoff at that, do you? I hope not, for your sake. Demons and ghosts are real. I know them well...
But then, sometimes, wishes do come true. (Thanks, Frederick!)
Goodbye for now.
stark raving bonkers. happy halloween, fella!
Happy Halloween... may there be treats, not tricks...
I need your help. Earlier this halloween season, I saw the storybook that contains the witch picture that appears immediately beneath your profile. Can you direct me where it is located? Thanks very much, and happy halloween!
Happy Halloween Prof!
thanx, guys!
re: help- here's where i found the image- http://drunkenseveredhead.blogspot.com/2010/10/ctd-halloween-day-11-trick-or-treat.html
Thanks for the help with the image and thanks for your halloween seasonal shares!
I photoshooped the two punkin scans together for you if you want to use it...
thanx so much Frederick, you helped with my post-Halloween depression!...
Still catching up on all the halloween posts-- it's been exhausting this year! Anyway, nice to see this one get reprinted, if anyone is interested in the original '54 color version from Weird Mysteries check here:
Hope you had a great halloween Prof!
Prof.: I hope you are managing your post Halloween blues! What a great, great story! That first splash is a masterpiece. It's a lot of fun imagining different songs playing as a soundtrack - I like "Momma Told Me Not To Come."
Plus, that last page is hotter than hell.
thanx guys, i wish i could say things were great but they are not...
this blog is the bees bollocks!
please come check my new little blog over at...
Prof.: Come back to us, amigo! I need my shot of Magic Carpet Burn!
i was beginning to think no one cared(sniff!), something will happen soon hopefully...
Believe it. Many care.
I just figured you need some time off (you had hinted around about it anyway abck in Sept.) But yes, I'm in line with Mykal, come back!
thanx Kars, it's nice to know some one still cares, hopefully things will get better around here...
That strip cracked me up. Thanks for sharing.
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